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At Dehispa, we carry out civil engineering and building infrastructure projects, both public and private.
We adapt to each project, and can be present throughout the entire life cycle or simply in the phases required by our client.
Our main value lies in providing the latest technological solutions for all projects we’re involved with to optimise results.
We are experts in carrying out integral mechanisation projects for the construction of tunnels, where we supply the most modern drilling, loading, bolting and transport equipment. We also carry out the launch and training and complete the cycle with the provision of O&M services.
We take care of the production, transport and recycling of concrete for both civil works and building construction, with a turnkey service, in which we supply, install, launch, train and provide O&M service for all the necessary equipment.
Among our latest projects we can highlight our participation in the expansion of the port of Santiago de Cuba, where we have carried out the construction of docks and viaducts, supplying sophisticated drilling equipment to drill piles with diameters ranging from 0.6m-1.3m and with a depth of up to 30m.